How to Make a Whimsical Plant Climbing Frame with Willow Branches

- Working Time: 45 minutes
- Total Time: 45 minutes
- Skill Level: Kid-friendly
Get long, vining stems off the ground and give them a place to grow upwards. Two pots with gravel between them make for a tight and secure place to hold willow branches. Weave the tops of the branches together to create a simple dome that climbing plants will love.
What You'll Need
Equipment / Tools
- Pruners
- Crushed pea gravel
- 11-inch pot
- 9-inch pot
- 7 curly willow branches
- Soil
- Vining plant
- Plant ties
Prep the Pot
To start this project, add a few inches of pea gravel to the larger pot. Set the smaller pot inside the larger pot, making sure the smaller pot rests about an inch below the rim of the larger pot.
Add Branches and Secure
Add 6 to 8 branches, placing the thicker end of each branch between the outer and inner pot. Space the branches out evenly around the smaller pot. Once the branches are placed, add gravel, filling in the gap between the two pots to secure the branches.
Shape and Weave Branches
Trim any straggling twigs coming off the branches. Cross two opposite branches and wrap them around each other. Continue with all branches; weave into existing crossing branches. Trim extra lengths sticking out at the top of the branches for a cleaner finish.
Plant In the Smaller Pot
Fill the smaller pot about three-quarters full with good potting soil. Plant a vining plant, like tomato or clematis, in the soil. Give the plant a good watering and watch it grow. As the plant grows larger and longer, wrap vines around the willow branches. Secure stems with plant ties as needed.