Dress Up Your Sidewalk With This Easy Street-Side Garden Plan

It's possible to create a beautiful garden in a challenging spot along a sun-drenched curb; you just need to use tough plants that can tolerate heat and drought well. This easy street-side garden plan relies on a mix of native perennials that do just that, plus they'll create an oasis of colorful blooms and foliage that will look good all summer long. Bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects will also appreciate the abundance of nectar-rich flowers.
Plants for Creating the Easy Street-Side Garden Plan
The flowering perennials in this garden plan will provide weeks of summer color. In addition, a few fall-blooming natives such as aster, goldenrod, and turtlehead will extend the floral show until frost and provide food for many pollinators that are still out foraging until winter begins.
- 6 Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata 'Shortwood'): Zones 4-8
- 4 Blue false indigo (Baptisia australis): Zones 3-9
- 5 Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum 'Northwind'): Zones 3-9
- 5 Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): Zones 3-8
- 3 Smooth aster (Aster laevis 'Bluebird'): Zones 3-9
- 4 Bee balm (Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'): Zones 4-10
- 4 New England blazing star (Liatris scariosa var. novae-angliae): Zones 4-8
- 4 Rough-stem goldenrod (Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'): Zones 4-9
- 2 Ox eye daisy (Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Nights'): Zones 3-9
- 3 Turtlehead (Chelone glabra): Zones 3-8
If you can't find the exact cultivars listed above, substitute with other plants that offer similar colors, shapes, and sizes to still achieve the look of this garden plan.
Get the Free Easy Street-Side Garden Plan
This garden design includes an illustrated version of the planted garden, a detailed layout diagram, a list of plants for the garden as shown, and complete instructions for installing the garden.